Thursday, January 31, 2013

Traveling across the pond

As we prepared for the trip, I will admit that I had a great deal of anxiety about the travel piece.  I wondered how on earth we'd manage all the luggage (6 people going away for four months to a cold, wet climate isn't exactly space efficient!), how the kids would tolerate the overnight flight, how we'd handle potentially long lines at immigration, etc.  But, I have to say that it all went extremely well.  We didn't have any logistical glitches at all--everything ran on time.  We were able to board our flights early because of the whole "traveling-with-small-children" thing.  Our long flight wasn't full so we were able to spread out and have more space for sleeping.  The kids rested in varying degrees between Atlanta and London; Owen slept all night, Harper slept almost none and the other girls fell somewhere in between.  Thankfully, the kids' excitement and adrenaline seemed to do good things for their patience and coping skills.  In spite of the exhausting circumstances, they were great. When we got to immigration in London, we were astounded to see that there were literally no other people in line.  And we might have gotten the country's most friendly immigration official.  Our transport (by courier bus) to the Daniel House in Kensington was also very smooth and easy.   Thanks to all of you who were praying for us that day!
Langley and Camden hanging out in the Atlanta airport.

Owen is in the midst of a huge origami phase.  He has spent his down time (not just during travel but since we've been here) folding paper.  He is doing some pretty neat things. 

The kids were very excited to ride the train in the Atlanta airport.   Something that was a huge novelty just four days ago is now old hat since it is our main mode of transportation in London.

Here's Langley right before take off in Atlanta.

And Harper.

And Camden and Owen. 


  1. April! I'm so excited to follow your journey and wonder if we'll get to take this same adventure one day? Keep the posts coming.


  2. Hey Jungs, so exited for you. April tell Owen he is reigniting aunt Jan's interest in Oragami!!! Have fun but stay safe. Love ya'll.

  3. I love that y'all are on an adventure of a lifetime! Owen's origami is wonderful. (wonderful spatial, geometry, and engineering skills!)
    I love the kitty neck pillows. They are adorable. Camden seems cool, calm and collected as ever. I pray your journey is safe and at the same time memorable. (Don't forget to write about those goofy moments. I tend to hold those particular episodes in life dear to my heart!)
    God Bless all of you. Big cheers from Bluff Park. Post a pic of any art you see so I can share with the students. It doesn't have to be FAMOUS. It can be original kid art, maybe even made by the Jung's!
